
dumbdumbs since 240509.
STAY or kindly leave

bold italic strikeout underline

Iqn : ---x3LIMBU
Lvl : 25 (:
FAM : -
Cpl : -
Lvl : 6 (:
Iqn : Xiaobandan
Cpl : -
FAM : ~MADHOUSE~ ; Member
Visit us @ ~MADHOUSE~
Audition ♥


-Private- 6kindness 1E5`07 2E4`08 3E5`09
FiveSmexyLadayaes ♥ -210609
Angela Crystal! Calyn DeniseBay! DeniseKang!
Dayu♥ Dionna DeWi EeEng♥ Esther! Evon! Elena Eileen Evelyn! Evelyn! Felicia Givan! James JiaWei Janice Jermaine! JiaMing JiaJia! Jocelyn! Joy! Joanne! Joey Joel! Joelle Julie! Joshua Joshua Jeremy! Kristie Kenta! Mavis Yeo! MeiZhen! MeiLing Michelle.F Michelle.L Natalie! Natasha Sally! Sharon! Sakinah! Sarah ShanYa! Shermin! Siewhua! SiYi! Shirley! Samantha Shawn Sharmaine Sherman SockHoon Tricia! Royston Phantom PohYee WangYing! WeiLin! WeiLing! Widhiah! Vin YunRen YiShan YiLing YongSiang XinLin♥ Xinyi! ZhongXian!


happyy-stopp Kindly play it loud&clear for everyone to hear

August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010

Designer: nic96ole
Others: one two
i dont entertain Humans that BARKS (:

Monday, August 31, 2009 @ 5:12 AM
Holyshit !
fcuk manzxc . Pubor D:
anyhow call and pun i what ? knn ._________.
dont step one zai ley -.- Act one biq only , buaykan ones still want chup .
Still want what ? find taiji sibo ? x.x
lame lahhs ! yous so buaykan still kpkb -.-
tmr , i'll qo down and find yous ! Try me (:

Grrs , fcukedup x.x
i need a shoulder now ):
i need a person to love & talk to me !
idk what to do now . i wish yous was just beside me and quide me alonq , but its impossible .
thinqs cant chanqe . whats done had alr done x.x
i qnq penq alr ! i need yous ):
Come back to me fast ! :o
qahhhhhhhhhs ):


Sunday, August 30, 2009 @ 2:16 AM

Geees ! beinq bullied by those idiots in BU ):
totally inhuman .________.
they 0 miss 0 bad all th way like siao -.-


Saturday, August 29, 2009 @ 3:17 AM

wtf manzxc !

Friday, August 28, 2009 @ 10:34 AM

Audi-ed whole day aqn :o

Went for interview today !
Startinq work on monday ^^v
haha , qnq back audi aqn ! :x

Thursday, August 27, 2009 @ 5:06 AM

Heyohs !
lauqhdieme , im back addicted to audition aqn :o
All day lonq audi audi audi :x
Now can only find me in audition , msn (:
ONLINE 24/7 !

Tuesday, August 25, 2009 @ 7:36 PM

Wooohoooo ~
Broke my 8k record (:
was usinq ---x3LIMBEI playinq club & i broke my 8k record !
i can chain ^^

Sunday, August 23, 2009 @ 10:32 PM
im so fcukinq dulan cans ?
im not qonna tolerate it manzxc !
that person actually said lesbo till lidat ? Hello , Not happy just come out & talk leys .
Got friends so what ? Biq fcuk uhhs ?
kpkb .
Eh , say thinqs properly lohhs . what owe money pay money -.-
Please lahhs , your friend loanshark so ? Do i look like i qive it a dame ?
Now step one blur .___.
Look at your actions before sayinq others . Yous even draqqed my parents in & what ? =="
& for qodness sake , i hate ppl spamminq me lahs -.-
Somemore make till my phone no batt then say i purposely off my phone ?
Yous made ppl wait for yous for 1hour ley -.-
Who want bua stunt :\
Ahlian siol , i humji ley . Scared sial ): -.-

Saturday, August 22, 2009 @ 6:58 PM
fcuk lahs !
Cut thinqs short ,
Just return home after tonninq w lesbo yesterday :o
before qnq her house , some retarded thinqs happened -.-
its makinq ppl fcukinq dulan cans ? x.x
waited for yous for 1hour , then yous say i bua stunt ? NO LINK !
i know i owe yous money lahs , i neer say i dont want return riqhts ? Tell your what sister brother i dont want return , then what ? want add interest huhs ? Want find problem uhhs ?
Yous said lesbo wants secondhand stuff ? lauqhs !
Yous said lesbo xl ? i xl ? Look who more xl leys .
Not i want say what now ley . Yous see for yourself lahhs . i say WILL transfer means WILL !
i wont run away or what lohhs .____.

Whatever nahhs . yous want say what your prob liaos . =="
Anw , tonned w lesbo , jiawei & joel[idk who]
then i was th only one crappinq like -'- ! =="
then somemore th what Joel so antisocial ._.
lame lahhs ! ton like never ton sial , went t lesbo's house t sleeppp ~
zxc . No mood t type manzxc ! :o

Thursday, August 20, 2009 @ 5:44 PM

@ 4:38 AM
f it !
Why must human lie to me & keep says that i lie ?
I also never do anythinq wronq riqhts . FCUK !
What i do ? Did my previous life offended yous ?
tmd lahhs !

i wish to end my life aqn .
No one is perfect ,
No one wont lie .
Friends will also lie .
Boyf toos .

Music is still th Best friend of all . Especially Technos

Techno Mix ,
DJ Inphinity Techno Mix , Show me love , techno#music#mix , Rave Techno , Best Techno 2009 ! & many many more . ^^

Wednesday, August 19, 2009 @ 6:43 AM

Tuesday, August 18, 2009 @ 3:52 AM

lubbbbx <3
finally found her ! (:

fcuk th world manzxc !
Why must we study ?
Also no use ones ! zxc

Monday, August 17, 2009 @ 4:57 AM
i bwq ,
i cried aqn , i cried at 1916hours . Just because of Jw .
i shed my tears aqn .

Everyone is qonna mia me .
so im qonna MIA first ):
contact me thru 96116597 . i bo reply / answer .
Means , im qone .
takecares peepos .

Sunday, August 16, 2009 @ 7:06 PM
He called me yesterday ^^
lauqhs . <3

@ 1:38 AM
Yes ! Dayu is sooooooo ahem ! She knows my bloq has only 5 post .
duh ~ its so obvious .

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 @ 3:44 AM
qahhh !
its 11th today manzxc (:
lauqhdieme ^^

Sunday, August 9, 2009 @ 4:24 AM

loveherforlife ! <3
imissher ):

He called aqn . (:
He in there machiam havinq fun bodoh -.-
lauqhs .
Tell me that his father will pick me up on friday to visit him ? Haha
lauqhs ! He said he cried every niqht , because of me ? Lols ._.
Touched sial , Cry for me siol :x
told me to wait (: : " Must wait for me hors ! later i come out , yous qot another boyf "
lauqhdieme !
Funny sial , still can joke & smoke inside w/ th quards ><
Feelinq empty manxzxz .
All because of one person .
Because of that person , made me cried ?


Saturday, August 8, 2009 @ 4:39 PM
Omq !
Baby called me !
im fcukinq happy cans ! !
Next Friday qnq see him ^^
His parents brinqinq me qo ! lauqhs .
f happy now !

@ 7:50 AM
Just three more days .
It will be 6th month of our rs ! Why cant time qoes back ?
Back t that time that yous are not inside yet ):

Its your third day in there . How is it ? Are yous able to cope w/ it ? Is it touqh ?
Did yous eat ? Did yous sleep well ?
Gosh ! im thinkinq abt your stuff over & over aqn ><


Friday, August 7, 2009 @ 5:00 AM
Create new bloq aqn ><
4th bloq manx D:
Who ask them t disable my bloq uhhs ! >< Now can loqin -.-
mamafonq bodoh !
i have nothinq t talk abt uhhs . Went t th court today ! -'-
Well , lucky my parents didnt complain BPC ! (:
Need t qo for councellinq instead !
lauqhs . Count myself lucky alr (:
qoddddddddbless <3

imissdiehim ):
Crys !
