
dumbdumbs since 240509.
STAY or kindly leave

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Iqn : ---x3LIMBU
Lvl : 25 (:
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Cpl : -
Lvl : 6 (:
Iqn : Xiaobandan
Cpl : -
FAM : ~MADHOUSE~ ; Member
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Audition ♥


-Private- 6kindness 1E5`07 2E4`08 3E5`09
FiveSmexyLadayaes ♥ -210609
Angela Crystal! Calyn DeniseBay! DeniseKang!
Dayu♥ Dionna DeWi EeEng♥ Esther! Evon! Elena Eileen Evelyn! Evelyn! Felicia Givan! James JiaWei Janice Jermaine! JiaMing JiaJia! Jocelyn! Joy! Joanne! Joey Joel! Joelle Julie! Joshua Joshua Jeremy! Kristie Kenta! Mavis Yeo! MeiZhen! MeiLing Michelle.F Michelle.L Natalie! Natasha Sally! Sharon! Sakinah! Sarah ShanYa! Shermin! Siewhua! SiYi! Shirley! Samantha Shawn Sharmaine Sherman SockHoon Tricia! Royston Phantom PohYee WangYing! WeiLin! WeiLing! Widhiah! Vin YunRen YiShan YiLing YongSiang XinLin♥ Xinyi! ZhongXian!


happyy-stopp Kindly play it loud&clear for everyone to hear

August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010

Designer: nic96ole
Others: one two
i dont entertain Humans that BARKS (:

Sunday, October 25, 2009 @ 9:38 AM
Gosh , i really cannot stand it manzxc !
i really hate that bloody bitch uhs ._.
Keep copycopycopy ==" dame it ! -'-
Typinq , talkinq everythinq ! Cb , backstabber also . Conclusion , one biq fcuker :D
Spoil my mood when talkinq about her -.-

Went drinkinq th previous day :D
But too tired ): And simonkorkor & ahbin toh very fast ):
Lauqhs ! :D

Anyway , work was pretty cool & fine (:
and all th people there are Great expect fpr AR & IVY ! ;wild
lauqhs :X
qnq to work morninq shift tmr ~ Yawns .
Bedtime now:D

~ i found out that No one can be trusted aye .

Tuesday, October 20, 2009 @ 10:20 AM

lauqhs , tired manzxc after work .
idk why today i felt so shaq manzxc . Gosh , its like so weird .
Dininq & Cashier was mine today :D
Was tirinq yet fun , was bored yet people entertain me (:
Been really inactive on net manzxc . I want to be active aqn :D
People that are really kind :D HOHO .
Washed my uniform for like 1 hour plus today manzxc ! -'-
then kazhua & his friend sparyinq bike ._.
Why quys likes to steal bike ? i dont understand sial .
Like so stupid uhs . Got advantaqe but also qot risk luhs x.x
Henq my bike is in locked up :D
Anyway , qnq to sleep now aye :D
Hope to have a better day everytime i wake up :D

Sunday, October 18, 2009 @ 8:56 PM

This photo is fcukinq unqlam uhs ! Alll thanks to QUEKHONGBIN !
Gosh , so stupid uhs , took photo while i workinq -'-
Bloody idiot manzxc ! Roar .
4 day of work , im tired due to my injury .
Hi , welcome to LonqJohnSilver ! :D
Fun manzxc , havinq friendly people there . Lauqhs .

But mayb this job wont last me lonq , i may qo into qirls home in no time .
Some people just dk whats my situation , im really tired of my life . I wish i was not on this earth .
But qod let me meet people that are qreat , people that really concern abt me , people that are willinq to be my listeninq ears . I thank yous lord for qivinq me such friends . And also thankyous lord for qivinq me a quy that is carinq about me , qivinq me different alternative in my life , teachinq me not to judge thinqs th way i do .
I may not be a qood person , but i do thinqs w planninq .
I borrow , i plan when to return .
I dont study , i plan my path behind .
I save money , plan to study more outside & qet certs .
Why just people dont know what im doinq .
I dont wish to say more doesnt mean im runninq away , its just thinqs that idw to explain .
If yous want to know what difficulty im facinq , call me . I'll tell yous EVERYTHING !
See whos life is more fortunate .

Friday, October 16, 2009 @ 7:46 PM

Baboom :D
Hoho , found new job (: Currently workinq at houqanq mall , ljs .
lauqhs , 1st & 2nd day passed :D
Holyshit , i hate 2nd day x.x
Saw two bitches manzxc . Keep commentinq , lookinq . CB ! ;wild
Say what i cmi . Eh please lah , yous find thinqs for me to do lah . My dinninq area also nothinq what yous expect . At least im independent , unlike yous both . Rely on parents & boyf . Gosh ~
Neverminds , i qo out now (:

Friday, October 9, 2009 @ 8:10 PM

lauqhs ! Picnik qot new effect for editinq ! funny & spoky siol . ;x

@ 2:04 AM

Heyohs ppl :D
Dead bloq ;x , lauqhs .
Well , i've choose to retain next year & i told th teacher ~
so i only need to attend exam now and my marks are not important ~
Been audi-inq & qnq out everyday :o
lauqhs .