
dumbdumbs since 240509.
STAY or kindly leave

bold italic strikeout underline

Iqn : ---x3LIMBU
Lvl : 25 (:
FAM : -
Cpl : -
Lvl : 6 (:
Iqn : Xiaobandan
Cpl : -
FAM : ~MADHOUSE~ ; Member
Visit us @ ~MADHOUSE~
Audition ♥


-Private- 6kindness 1E5`07 2E4`08 3E5`09
FiveSmexyLadayaes ♥ -210609
Angela Crystal! Calyn DeniseBay! DeniseKang!
Dayu♥ Dionna DeWi EeEng♥ Esther! Evon! Elena Eileen Evelyn! Evelyn! Felicia Givan! James JiaWei Janice Jermaine! JiaMing JiaJia! Jocelyn! Joy! Joanne! Joey Joel! Joelle Julie! Joshua Joshua Jeremy! Kristie Kenta! Mavis Yeo! MeiZhen! MeiLing Michelle.F Michelle.L Natalie! Natasha Sally! Sharon! Sakinah! Sarah ShanYa! Shermin! Siewhua! SiYi! Shirley! Samantha Shawn Sharmaine Sherman SockHoon Tricia! Royston Phantom PohYee WangYing! WeiLin! WeiLing! Widhiah! Vin YunRen YiShan YiLing YongSiang XinLin♥ Xinyi! ZhongXian!


happyy-stopp Kindly play it loud&clear for everyone to hear

August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010

Designer: nic96ole
Others: one two
i dont entertain Humans that BARKS (:

Saturday, May 29, 2010 @ 8:49 PM
Like fun only uhs (:
Went out on both friday & saturday O:
Dont intend to go out today , mayb visiting my grandfather , like finally . O:
LOL , aye D ! yous playing love game ah ._.
Trying to take revenge ? O:

Lmao , anyways .. 6pm , i'll be back in my lovely hostel ! (:
Gonna go to th doctor on 4th June for my leg ):
Like , lame only O:

Anyways , im gonna enjoy my tv (:
im back to tv addict O:
Trying my best not to touch any cigg ! (:

Thursday, May 27, 2010 @ 9:05 AM

): !
Im like dame sad today canzxc ! ):
hais , actually 4 passes , become 3 passes because of some reasons ):
Dame stress now -.- ! My eyes is also like dame fcuking swollen till now .
If this is a lesson to learn , it will be a very precious lesson . A lesson which my coursework done by th time i have in TheTent , was gone down to drain . The whole thing ! ):
My eyes are like still red now , which is like dame long ago i cried like mad ?
Hais , now i only can pray & work hard on my EOY liaos ._.
People , th old Joanna is Gone for good (:
So , dont judge me like before , i've learn my lesson & im gonna be a better person ..
No longer doing things & dealing w/ things like how i use to (:
Ahjo , swear to get herself PROMOTED this year ! (:

Tuesday, May 25, 2010 @ 9:01 PM
This is me , th new JOANNA ! (:

I know th blog is like dead . And alot of yous cant contact me O:
But , gimme your number ! (:
i'll text yous when i can (:

Okay , exam is like finally over , but i think my result sucks to th max ):
i mean , i did my best uh . But im really not use studying for exams ._.
For my whole life i think i didnt study for my exams uhs O:

Laughs ! :D
Anyway , im like dame pissed off w/ one person @:
This person just betrayed my trust uhs ):
thought of helping , but instead , i land myself into trouble .
Eeeek ! No more helping ! No more trouble !
i dame hate my school that bloody Mr. **** ! Gosh , he is like dame gayish can ! @:
Always like to talk cork , sing song ._.
Nevermind , at least there is 1month of break before im going to see him again (:
Nice ~

Saw my reportbook just now w/o my latest result X;
Was happy to see all my past results & my past comments . Just abit disappointed w myself .
i've like ruin my studys ! ):
So my new goal ; Top O level student ! (dream)
hahas ! O:

anw , im going to work hard , so im going to do my english project ! (:
Byyyyeee ! ♥
Wait for my next post aye ! (:
It will be asap ! ☺

Sunday, May 9, 2010 @ 2:29 AM
Happy Mummys' Day ~ ~

Hais , dame bored ttm lahs ! ):
Exam will only finish next week ! ):
Stressed till i can find white hair manzxc ! OMG
Gosh , hope this end soon man , life simply just sucks w/o freedom & having all those timetables around ._.

Hope time flyyyy faster , && i can be discharge soon (:
Going mad manzxc ):

Saturday, May 1, 2010 @ 10:26 PM
Hais , i am thinking , thinking & thinking of yous over & over again !
(Random \m/ )

i am qoinq crazy , everythinq seems so different .
i want to tell yous , but im afraid to .
i always run out of words th moment i want to tell yous somethinq .

OMG , i think im seriously qnq crazy manzxc ._.
Studies , everything , always keep cominq into my brain . EVEN YOU ! ):
;wild . Mad . crazy , bonkas ~ ._.
Yesterday , one of th qirl in here , was fcukinq hell joke of th day uhs ! LOL
Kept falling when she skate -.- && not th normal falling way , is th extreme fallinq X:
I am seriously tired . .

Aku sayang kau , rindu kau .